ODS, Netherland and Control - Pipeline Metering
Pipeline Metering
Pipeline flow metering
typically involves large line sizes with large transfer of
product and more important, large transfer of money. ODS
Metering Systems designs and delivers state of the art
pipe line metering systems with the lowest possible
uncertainty. For years ODS Metering Systems has been
involved in pipeline flow metering. From traditional crude
oil, refined products or (natural) gas stations to high
demanding LNG, LPG, CNG and cryogenic applications we can
develop and build the most suitable bespoke metering
Pipeline Metering
ODS can deliver systems
in all kind of sizes, pressure ratings (up to API 10.000)
and materials. As our workshops are located beside the
international water ways and harbors we can transport any
size of system without any limitation. For the metering
locations at the end of the main pipelines we offer truck,
rail and ship loading systems. ODS has reference at
world’s largest loading terminals and delivered
installations with integrated terminal control automation.
Pipeline Metering Systems do often require fluid
filtration, pressure regulation and flow control. ODS can
design and manufacturer filtration and (flow &
pressure) control packages required for optimum pipeline
management and operation.